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Estelle Arielle Bouchet, latest art book: "Égypte Secrète-Secret Egypt"

Printed page from art book: "Égypte Secrète-Secret Egypt". All images courtesy of EAB PRESS & IMAGE.

Estelle Arielle Bouchet (above) is an international art journalist, author of three books:

Mes Carnets d'Egypte, Mes Carnets d'Italie at Flammarion and recently her last book "Égypte Secrète-Secret Egypt" dedicated to her eldest son Nazem Shah, at her own Publishing House "Méditerranée en Lumière" based in Provence.

Galignani Bookshop, 224 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris. EAB PRESS & IMAGE.

You will find the beautiful coffee table book in its precious turquoise and gold chest at Galignani Bookshop, 224 rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris or at

The perfect gift for the Egypt's Lovers.

From left to right: Nazem Shah, her eldest son, and Estelle Arielle Bouchet.


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