A route linking Italy and France for Ferrari’s international clientele to discover while driving the company’s models. Iconic locations on the Côte d’Azur and the Riviera di Ponente, Alpine passes and exclusive resorts, famous landscapes but also lesser-known spots to be discovered and explored.
The Ferrari Cavalcade officially set off on 27 June from Sanremo, travelling along the coast to Monaco and then visit the historic Vicoforte sanctuary. The start waas preceded by a major exhibition at the Forte di Santa Tecla involving the 144 cars taking part, a record in Cavalcade history, where most of the models unveiled by Ferrari in the last 10 years can be admired.
The second day continued to the Côte d’Azur, its beautiful coastline between Monaco and Saint-Tropez, and the roads leading into the hinterland of Provence, with a grand parade in Monaco and a final display in Place du Casino.
Professor and artist Olga Mroz.