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The Director of the AKBS Social Community Programs, Amb. Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández, had a Presidential Reception with the President of El Salvador, H.E. Nayib Bukele, during his official visit to the country.

His official visit was also featured in Miami Diario and Diario Las Americas.

Dr. Luis Suárez, Miami-based Cuban-American ambassador, educator and businessman, visited El Salvador to strengthen ties of friendship that help promote education and the country’s economy.

Suárez’s motives were clear and precise, to be able to shake his hands and recognize Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, for his excellent career in education and for being an example of leadership worldwide. Likewise, it will collaborate for the economic growth and promotion of the country.

With great pride, Suárez recognized President Nayib Bukele with a plaque from the Suarez Museum of Natural Science & History, a mobile museum that educates through the art of nature, which he directs as president and chief curator. Dr. Suárez also handed out pins and caps. One of them highlights the image of the Bald Eagle, the national bird of the United States, a species for which Suárez has been working for years to promote its rehabilitation in conjunction with other organizations.

Through a pleasant meeting at the Presidential Palace with President Bukele, one of the topics discussed was the opportunities offered by El Salvador to develop crypto and blockchain projects, as well as the possibility of joining forces and collaborating in the process of launching “Bit Coin City”. Suárez continued with his agenda thanks to the Consul General of El Salvador in the United States, Eduardo Umaña, and Milena Mayorga, Ambassador of El Salvador in Washington DC, United States, who were aware of his visit to the country and in charge of his agenda at all times.

Ambassador Luis Suárez toured interesting areas of the country together with the delegation from the United States made up of Mardoqueo Tochez, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of El Salvador in the United States, Nicole Navas, Head of Sales of the Crypto World Con, Troy Vanderburg, Chief Revenue Officer 10XTS, Carmelo Milan, CEO and founder of Polka City, Justin Ballard, CEO & co-founder of JAl Energy LLC, Ryan Leachman, co-founder of JAI Energy LLC and Daniel Balwin, actor, director and producer.

Suárez also had the honor of meeting with Maria Luisa Hayen Brevé, Minister of Economy, Alejandro Zelaya, Minister of Finance, Jerson Rogelio Posada Molina, Vice Minister of Finance, and Adriana Mira, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Suárez thanks Oscar Alfredo Parada, Municipal Mayor of La Unión, Emilio Quezada Fernández, Municipal Mayor of Conchagua, Elías Gómez, Head of Economic Diplomacy, Alejandra Guirola, Technical Specialist in Economic Diplomacy, and the Salvadoran Air Force for their welcome and attention.

Upon his return to the United States, Luis Suárez expressed his experience regarding the great opportunities that exist in the country and how safe he felt during the trip.

Suárez is co-founder and International Relations Executive of Moon Walker USA inc and JC Luna – Chief Investment Officer, as well as ambassador of the International Commission on Human Rights, and Environmental Ambassador in the Galapagos Islands.

Content courtesy of AKBS.

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