Dior just paid hommage to rich Indian craftmanship tradition with a star-studded show in Mumbai. The French label unveiled its Pre-Fall 2023 collection in front of a star-studded audience that included local and international royal guests, and our valued Art Contributor Shalini Passi, alongside Bollywood stars Rekha, Sonam Kapoor, and Anushka Sharma, as well as models Cara Delevingne and Maisie Williams, against the historic Gateway of India monument. Now Dior proposes modern Western style paired with French chic.
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The timeless and versatile blue jeans icon is being reinvented by Maria Grazia Chiuri in a series of denim pants, promising a look at once elegant, relaxed and infinitely modern.
Named Dior 8, in homage to the founding-couturier's lucky-charm number, and initially composed of eight irresistible variations, a ninth reference now completes the collection, sublimating all body types. Made from raw denim, these exceptional creations come in bootcut, flared, wide-leg, boyfriend or cargo styles - as well as a new straight shape thought up for the Dior spring-summer 2023 line.
Each pair features a label on the back with the "Christian Dior" signature, enhanced by two horizontal stripes and the number of the model - from D01 to D09 – a tribute to the art of detail dear to the House.
A profusion of ultra-desirable pieces to (re)discover, season after season.