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  • Richemont proposes Gary Saage to the Board and to the role of Chairman of its Audit Committee

    RICHEMONT NOMINATES GARY SAAGE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ITS AUDIT COMMITTEE Richemont announced that Gary Saage will be proposed for election to the Board of Compagnie Financière Richemont SA for shareholder approval at the annual general meeting to be held in September 2024 and, if elected, to the role of Chairman of its Audit Committee. As a former Chief Financial Officer of the Group and Board member, Gary Saage brings with him invaluable knowledge of Richemont and relevant financial skills to perform this important role. Mr Saage also brings along decades of experience in the luxury goods industry and a track record in financial discipline. A graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA, and a US Certified Public Accountant, Gary Saage began his career in public accounting with Coopers & Lybrand. In 1988, he joined Cartier in the US, thereafter serving as Chief Operating Officer of Richemont in North America and then of dunhill in London. In 2006, Mr Saage moved to Geneva to act as Group Deputy Finance Director and in 2010 was promoted Chief Financial Officer. That same year, he joined the Board, which he subsequently departed in September 2021. He continued to serve as Chairman of Richemont North America and related companies until August 2023 in a non-executive capacity, overseeing governance matters. Josua (Dillie) Malherbe will remain Deputy Chairman of the Board and will continue to sit on the Audit and the Strategic and Security Committees whilst facilitating changes due over the next 18 months during which period three members of the Audit Committee will depart and a tender process to select the next Group’s external auditor is equally underway. Gary Saage, if elected, will also undergo an in-depth handover for his Chair of the Audit Committee’s responsibilities. Commenting on the nomination, Johann Rupert, Chairman, said: “I am truly delighted that Gary has accepted to re-join our Board and, if elected, take up the position of Chair of the Audit Committee. This is a complex role that requires proficiency of accounting and regulatory matters, business acumen as well as the courage to speak up in challenging situations, all competencies that he has clearly demonstrated during his long career. It also requires deep institutional knowledge which Gary, having joined Cartier the year I founded Richemont and worked across different parts of the Group, indisputably has. I am glad that Dillie has accepted to continue to serve as Deputy Chairman and sit on the Audit and the Strategic and Security Committees for a while longer to ensure a smooth execution of our succession plan”. Richemont At Richemont's the unique portfolio includes prestigious Maisons distinguished by their craftsmanship and creativity. Richemont’s ambition is to nurture its Maisons and businesses and enable them to grow and prosper in a responsible, sustainable manner over the long term. Richemont operates in three business areas: Jewellery Maisons with Buccellati, Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels; Specialist Watchmakers with A. Lange & Söhne, Baume & Mercier, IWC Schaffhausen, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Panerai, Piaget, Roger Dubuis and Vacheron Constantin; and Other, primarily Fashion & Accessories Maisons with Alaïa, AZ Factory, Chloé, Delvaux, dunhill, Montblanc, Peter Millar including G/FORE, Purdey, Serapian as well as Watchfinder & Co. In addition, Richemont operates NET-A-PORTER, MR PORTER, THE OUTNET, YOOX and the OFS division. Find out more at Richemont ‘A’ shares are listed and traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Richemont’s primary listing, and are included in the Swiss Market Index ('SMI') of leading stocks. The ‘A’ shares are also traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Richemont’s secondary listing. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Vicenzaoro 2023 jewellery fair in Italy

    THE CITY OF VICENZA Vicenza is not only one of Italy's most important gold manufacturing Districts, it is also one of the most charming art heritage cities in Northern Italy. Known as the "City of Palladio", Vicenza is an UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its exceptional artistic and architectonic wealth. Discover EasyVi, the portal that makes it easier to live and visit the province of Vicenza. all images © IEG: VICENZAORO SEPTEMBER INAUGURATED WITH GREETINGS FROM MINISTER URSO Opening ceremony in commemoration of Lorenzo Cagnoni, President of Italian Exhibition Group. CEO Corrado Peraboni: «The man who contributed to building IEG excellences»  From today until Tuesday 12th , in Vicenza - Italy, over 1,200 exhibiting brands from 34 countries, 400 hosted buyers from 69 countries  Jewellery sector exports worth 4.36 billion euros, up +9.3% in the first five months of the year compared to 2022. Turnover in the first six months at +10,2%  USA still Made in Italy’s top market with a value of 583 million euros | #discovermore Vicenza (Italy), 8th September 2023 – Inaugurated today with greetings from the Minister of made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, Vicenzaoro September - The Jewellery Boutique Show, Italian Exhibition Group’s international trade show for the gold-jewellery industry, ongoing until Tuesday 12th at Vicenza Expo Centre. VICENZAORO PLACES ITALY AMONG THE TOP 10 COUNTRIES FOR SECTOR EXPORTS «Once again, the Vicenza event provides the chance to enhance a sector that is able to place our country among the world’s top 10 gold and jewellery exporters, thanks to its ability to resist and overcome the most difficult moment. And with the value of exports standing at almost 10 billion in 2022, an increase of 40.0% compared to 2019, the pre-Covid reference year. The government has immediately looked at your sector with extreme interest and favour because you are able to encapsulate the essence of Made in Italy: tradition, quality, innovation and artistic creation» Minister Urso pointed out in his greeting. VICENZAORO: L’OPENING The opening ceremony of the event, in commemoration of Lorenzo Cagnoni. The President of Italian Exhibition Group passed away last Tuesday at the age of 84. «A great community here at Vicenza closed in around the man who contributed to building all the excellences in Italian Exhibition Group’s portfolio,» the words of Corrado Peraboni, CEO of IEG, who thanked Luca Zaia, the President of the Veneto Region, for his opening message for Vicenzaoro. Along with IEG's CEO, institutional greetings also came from Giacomo Possamai, Mayor of Vicenza, Andrea Nardin, President of the Province of Vicenza, Roberto Marcato, Veneto Regional Councillor for Economic Development, Matteo Zoppas, President of ITA – Italian Trade Agency, and Claudia Piaserico, President of Federorafi, offered their institutional greetings (all statements attached). SECTOR DATA, EXPORTS AND TURNOVER The Italian gold and jewellery sector’s positive export trend is continuing. In the first five months of the year, according to data processed for Federorafi by Confindustria Moda’s Study Centre, foreign sales rose globally by 9.3% to a value of 4.36 billion euros, with the USA still the main market for Made in Italy, for a value of 583 billion euros (processed by Confindustria Moda’s Study Centre on ISTAT data for Federorafi). Club degli Orafi Italia, on the other hand, presented Vicenzaoro with the economic survey carried out in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo's Study and Research Department, which, updated on a six-monthly basis, brought the change in sector turnover to +10.2%, better than the fashion system and the Italian manufacturing average. Positive sentiment among the operators surveyed with 39% expecting an increase in turnover (a percentage broadly in line with the 44% reported at the end of 2022), showing that expectations are holding up. The most significant review concerned the domestic market on the part of smaller firms: the 36% who expected growth in the December survey fell to 23%, while the expectations of medium-large firms grew in reference to foreign markets from 61% to 67%. INCREASINGLY GREATER INTERNATIONAL AIR From today until Tuesday 12th September, Italian Exhibition Group's international b2b trade show will host more than 1,200 exhibiting brands from 34 countries at Vicenza Expo Centre with international participation covering 40% of the exhibition area for this edition. A total of 400 guest buyers will be arriving from all over the world (69 countries of origin in total), particularly from the USA, the Middle East and China, thanks to the incoming programme set up with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA – the Agency that promotes Italian companies abroad and their internationalisation. NEW JEWELLERY COLLECTIONS, A LOOK AT FUTURE TRENDS What will the international community find from until Tuesday at the show? The new collections of both high and contemporary jewellery companies, together with precious stones and semi-finished products, accompanied by the trendiest packaging solutions and the innovative impetus of start-up technology: the entire supply chain that brings together Made in Italy and the style trends of emerging designers as well as the world preview of the new Trendbook 2025+ by Trendvision Jewellery + Forecasting, IEG’s independent observatory that outlines the global evolution of jewellery and consumption in the luxury segment for the next 18 months with AI as the main focus. A topic that CIBJO, the world jewellery federation, will also be discussing with the industry's most authoritative voices at one of its events on the agenda. WATCHES: TIME AND VO’CLOCK PRIVÉ TIME for the business community of international contemporary watch distribution operators. VO'Clock Privé, dedicated to the culture and passion for haute horlogerie, with public access from today until Sunday 10th (on prior registration on the Vicenzaoro website). IEG's show will strengthen the watch industry presence for two distinct audiences with the aim of attracting top timepiece brands, emerging independent brands, micro-brands and the components supply chain to Vicenza, along with the sector’s leading experts, who, in the case of VO'Clock Privé, will be the giving high-profile technical training seminars and divulging information to watch lovers or newcomers. TOP HIGH JEWELLERY BRANDS Top brands at the show will include the timeless creations of Damiani, Roberto Coin and its colourful collections with their clean and unmistakable lines, Crivelli from Valenza, which combines precious stones with different shades of gold, FOPE from Vicenza, with its patented technology of small springs that make gold link chains flexible, Florence-based Annamaria Cammilli, which has turned researching gold surfaces and textures into an art. Also on display: Roberto De Meglio, Valenza-based Palmiero, the Genoese group Gismondi 1754. Classic jewellery in the Veneto and Piedmont tradition: Leo Pizzo, Mirco Visconti, Davite & Delucchi, Giorgio Visconti and World Diamond Group. Among the international companies: Schreiner Fine Jewellery from Germany, known for its luxurious creations coveted by the royal houses of many countries, the English brand Yoko London, which selects the most unusual pearls on the market in terms of colour and size, Dámaso Martinez from Spain, and Autore, one of the world's largest producers of South Sea pearls. The German company Stenzhorn with its invisible settings, and Akillis from France with its rock-style jewellery. Corrado Peraboni, CEO of IEG: "Here in Vicenza, a great community closed in around Lorenzo Cagnoni, the man who contributed to building all the excellences in Italian Exhibition Group's portfolio. His vision continues and looks far into the future: the president had been working for years with our stakeholders to carry out a major redevelopment of Vicenza Expo Centre, and is not this Group’s intention to forego that. In an effort that stems from his conviction: to keep Vicenzaoro in its current location, even while works are ongoing». Giacomo Possamai, Mayor of Vicenza: «Once again, the September edition of Vicenzaoro promises to be a hugely successful event. The leading European trade show is the industry's longest-running event (it will celebrate its 70th anniversary in 2024) and is one of the world’s top three B2B jewellery shows alongside the Hong Kong and Las Vegas shows. A source of great pride for our city, which, over the coming days, will be hosting more than 1,200 exhibiting brands arriving from 34 countries and 400 foreign buyers, demonstrating, through IEG, a solid ability to open the doors to the luxury world. IEG has achieved extraordinary results in recent years, and that is precisely why we have been in talks with President Cagnoni to define all the planning aspects related to the redevelopment of the Expo Centre so that it is in step with the times and at the service, not only of the city, but of the entire province.» Andrea Nardin, President of the Province of Vicenza: «Vicenzaoro is historically the Vicenza show. The one that, in terms of numbers, spin-off and importance gave our city world fame and, above all, brought the world to our city. The gold and jewellery market has been addressed, embraced and, above all, developed in Vicenza for years. The artisans, the small workshops scattered around our territory, have become producers able to interact and establish themselves on international markets. All thanks to talent and creativity, technical knowledge and ingenuity, which are the raw materials of a quality product. Over the years, Vicenzaoro has grown to encompass the world of jewellery, precious stones and, more recently, watchmaking. We have always looked forward, we have always thought big. And I am pleased to see that even IEG, which is a confirmed leader in Italy and the world, thinks like us, so much so that it is planning investments in Vicenza. A willingness that we can only share, in the common aim of making sure that Vicenza, and Vicenzaoro in particular, continues to be a reference point for international markets. A place where we talk about economy, work and trade, but also where we find hospitality, a warm welcome and an area to visit and experience». Claudia Piaserico, President of Confindustria Federorafi: «This edition of Vicenzaoro comes within a very particular situation for the jewellery sector,» said Claudia Piaserico, President of Confindustria Federorafi. «In fact, after two years of extraordinary performance, in recent months, the predictable slowdown has occurred. Nevertheless, overall exports in the first 5 months were still largely positive (+9.3%) and industrial production, thanks to the boost of the early months, has remained at the levels of a year ago (-0.1%), unlike many other Italian manufacturing sectors that have, instead, shown significant downturns. We have therefore entered the stage where businesses will have to consolidate the growth. From this point of view, I am comforted by the employment figures for the first half of the year (+1.5%). From the upcoming event, I expect confirmations from international buyers and Italian retail so that we can make the best projections as early as 2024. If the expected responses arrive, we will face the many obstacles that are weighing on our businesses, such as inflation, the slowdown of several markets, like Germany, or China's difficulties in opening up to made in Italy, as well as the prolonged Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with greater vigour». Roberto Marcato, Veneto Regional Councillor for Economic Development: «I always appreciated President Cagnoni’s politeness, sensitivity and quick thinking, qualities that will be missed by all of us and that make this inaugural moment difficult. The trade show that kicks off today starts with numbers that give us hope for the future of the economic fabric of our territory. 2022 saw a 105% growth in exports compared to 2020, which demonstrates Veneto's rabid ability to react in the face of critical issues. Always. What’s more, twothirds of the companies in this sector are registered in the trademark register and this provides the measure of the quality that we are able to express. This is the only way we can be competitive: by giving quality that cannot be replicated anywhere else in the world. The ability that this country has in evoking emotions, beauty and luxury does not exist anywhere else". Matteo Zoppas, Presdent of ITA: «The goldsmith art is a symbol of Italy's manufacturing tradition, the quality of which has been appreciated worldwide for centuries. The sector has had to face numerous challenges in recent years between the pandemic, particularly impactful rising energy costs and difficulties in procuring raw materials and manpower. Yet, the goals achieved have been formidable and export results confirm this. In 2022, almost all the industry's turnover - approximately 10 billion euros - was generated by exports, which reached 9.7 billion euros (+19.5% compared to 2021 and +36.8% compared to 2019) and were still going strong in the first five months of 2023: 4.3 billion euros (+7.7% YoY, net of costume jewellery). The gold districts, throughout the peninsula, count almost 7,000 companies which ITA intends to support in terms of the trends that are being defined: from further growth on world markets, to innovation linked to digital and new technologies, from sustainability to the fight against counterfeiting. This explains our support for Vicenzaoro, which provides a unique opportunity for matchmaking between Italian companies and foreign buyers (100 at this edition, mainly from the U.S.A, Southeast Asia and Sub Saharan Africa, plus a further contribution for the assistance of another 300 operators). Our latest promotional initiatives include activating, in collaboration with Federorafi, an influencer marketing project to raise awareness among young consumers from the U.S.A. and U.K., and scouting for new partnerships with national entities and manufacturers from strategic countries in Sub Saharan Africa» Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • DIOR unveils new 3D-Printed mens shoes



    Âge Dior offers a captivating journey back in time to meet Christian Dior's successors, who have continuously perpetuated his visionary audacity. Punctuated by precious audiovisual archives, this audio escapade is divided into six episodes, each tracing the singular destiny of one of the Artistic Directors, virtuoso “heirs” to the founding-couturier: Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferré, John Galliano, Raf Simons and Maria Grazia Chiuri. Their style, talent and boundless creativity have left an indelible mark on the unique history of the House of Dior. A thrilling behind-the-scenes account of the Realm of Dreams, available on all streaming platforms. L'Âge Dior is an original series of six podcasts, dreamed up and narrated by journalist and writer Jérôme Gautier. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Devi Jewels - finding the goddess within

    Interview with Radhika Nayar, founder and creative director, Devi Jewels All images © courtesy of Devi Jewels International society jeweller Radhika Nayar designs pieces to help transform every woman into the goddess within her. Her jewels have been a regular fixture at some of the world’s most glamorous events and this month, jewellery connoisseurs in Dubai will be treated to an exclusive preview of her collection at the Montgomerie Hotel on the 28th of September at the Emirates Hill Golf Course. Radhika Nayar, founder and creative director, Devi Jewels We are steadily expanding and are planning ways to bring our jewellery to more women in different parts of the world. These shows are where the DEVI Community gets to see and try on our pieces and I just love interacting with them. Our next preview is in Dubai and I am very much looking forward to it. There is always a fluttering anticipation before a big show or event, but seeing our clients faces light up when they try on our jewels, there is a real thrill in that for me. Radhika Nayar, founder and creative director, Devi Jewels When was the moment you knew you wanted to be a jeweller? Radhika Nayar: Believe it or not, when I was younger I wanted to be a mechanical engineer! I have always loved jewellery, though it’s almost a part of my DNA. I believe I have inherited this passion from my grandmother – watching her undergo a transformation when she put on her jewellery fascinated me endlessly as a child. Creating a jewellery collection for friends who are fashion designers made me realise how much I enjoy designing jewellery which eventually led to the founding of my brand in London and Dubai, DEVI Jewels. How do you define your personal style and the style of your jewellery? Growing up, I would design my own clothes, taking inspiration from fashion magazines and trying out the latest trends. Today, while my style has definitely evolved, I am not afraid to have a bold or unusual look and let my creativity shine through. This translates to my jewellery as well, which is contemporary and unique, and designed to bring out the best in the wearer. I also believe in practicality and versatility - many of my jewellery pieces can be worn in multiple ways and I love layering up my designs, depending on my mood and the occasion. How has your goal of always celebrating women translated into your jewellery? Creating jewellery that transforms each woman into the goddess that she is has always been our mission. Women by nature often forget to take care of themselves, and at DEVI Jewels we believe it’s so important for them to celebrate themselves just as they are. My intention while designing is to ensure that the wearer of Devi Jewels herself always remains more important than the jewels. Each DEVI Jewels piece communicates a sense of confidence and strength, bringing out the true essence of the women wearing it. What’s your best advice for curating a serious collection of jewels? When thinking of putting together a serious jewellery collection, it’s very important to have a balanced mix of coloured and diamond jewellery. My diamond essentials would include a watch, a solitaire ring, a tennis bracelet and a Riviera necklace. A pair of solitaire diamond earrings is also a must. The size and the four Cs depends on your personal preferences and budget. Touching upon each coloured gemstone, a good mix of Colombian and Zambian emeralds, with a suite of emerald and diamond jewellery such as Elizabeth Taylor’s famous set is a good place to start. I also believe a collection of pieces featuring Burmese rubies and diamonds is also a must for any connoisseur, complete with long earrings, a necklace, a bracelet and an oval ruby ring. A similar collection in sapphires or tanzanite rounds off the gemstone portion of a collection. And to truly complete a collection, a strand of Basra or Australian Southsea pearls and a pearl and diamond jewellery suite are pivotal in my opinion. Generally speaking, I think it’s very important to only purchase pieces with certified gemstones as they will hold their value over time. I also recommend that my clients begin with larger pieces and then move onto smaller, everyday pieces, as they are easier to choose and less of an investment. What are your favourite pieces from your collections? My favourite piece I designed recently is a 49 carat carved emerald necklace, where we created the rectangular carved pendant to be detachable so that it can be worn as a brooch too. To bring out its vivid colour we surrounded it with diamonds and tiny pearls, and to complete it we added diamond tassels ending in pear shaped emeralds. A light, modern chain of round diamonds playfully juxtaposes the large pendant creating what I believe is a contemporary heirloom. I also love one-of-a-kind cocktail rings and my favourites include a 20 carat Colombian emerald ring, edged with baguette diamonds and a 15 carat unheated Burmese ruby ring surrounded by a mix of baguette and round diamonds. What are your plans for the future with DEVI Jewels? We are steadily expanding and are planning ways to bring our jewellery to more women in different parts of the world. I would also love to have more shows and exhibitions- something I missed greatly during the pandemic. These shows are where the DEVI Community gets to see and try on our pieces and I just love interacting with them. Our next preview is in Dubai on the 28th of September and I am very much looking forward to it. There is always a fluttering anticipation before a big show or event, but seeing our clients faces light up when they try on our jewels, there is a real thrill in that for me. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Novak Djokovic vs. Daniil Medvedev in the men's singles final of US OPEN

    Four trophies will be handed out on the last day of the 2023 US Open: Novak Djokovic will face Daniil Medvedev in the men's singles final, while three wheelchair singles titles and the women's doubles trophy are also at stake. Idemo Nole! On the hallowed court of the Arthur-Ashe Stadium, Hublot ambassador Novak Djokovic added a fourth U.S. Open title, and extended his unique all-time men’s Grand Slam record to 24. No one in history has ever won more Grand Slams. At 36, Nole is now firmly established as the most successful male tennis player of all time. Tenacious, resilient, and possessing the fiercest will to win, Novak embodies the values so dear to Hublot. A unique passion that first drew Hublot and Nole together and that has seen them become firm friends and partners in the truest sense. Together, we are committed to our craft, our passions and our family and friends. Nole’s story started two decades ago, and we stand today to witness his rewriting of tennis history. He turned professional in 2003 and has rewritten tennis history, breaking records, defying the odds, achieving the impossible and overcoming adversity again and again. His unique determination, led him to win his first Grand Slam at the Australian Open in 2008 and he has gone on to dominate the most competitive period in tennis history, elevating the game at every turn. Always, his iron will has shone through in his quest to become the greatest player ever to pick up a racquet. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Novo Nordisk's sales increased by 29% to DKK 107.7 billion

    Novo Nordisk's sales increased by 29% in Danish kroner and by 30% at constant exchange rates to DKK 107.7 billion in the first six months of 2023 Financial report for the period 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023, 10 August 2023 Operating profit increased by 30% in Danish kroner and by 32% at constant exchange rates (CER) to DKK 48.9 billion. Sales in North America Operations increased by 45% in Danish kroner (44% at CER). Sales in International Operations increased by 14% in Danish kroner (17% at CER). Sales within Diabetes and Obesity care increased by 36% in Danish kroner to DKK 99.0 billion (37% at CER), mainly driven by GLP-1 diabetes sales growth of 49% in Danish kroner (50% at CER) and Obesity care growing by 158% in Danish Kroner to DKK 18.1 billion (157% at CER) . Rare disease sales decreased by 18% in both Danish kroner and CER reflecting a temporary reduction in manufacturing output. In August 2023, Novo Nordisk announced that semaglutide 2.4 mg statistically significantly reduced the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in the SELECT cardiovascular outcomes trial. Further, the phase 3 obesity trials OASIS 1 and STEP HFpEF were successfully completed For the 2023 outlook, sales and operating profit growth at CER are now expected to be 27-33% and 31-37%, respectively. Sales and operating profit growth reported in Danish kroner are expected to be 6 and 9 percentage points lower than at CER, respectively. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • W Hotel by Zaha Hadid Architects Debuts a Vibrant New Luxury Playground in Macau

    W Hotels Debuts a Vibrant New Luxury Playground With the Opening of W Macau – Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and Featuring Greater China’s First W Sound Suite Recording Studio, W Macau - Studio City Blends the Allure of Old Hollywood with the City’s Magnetism W Macau Porte Cohere W Macau Spectacular King Room with Cotai View W Hotels, part of Marriott Bonvoy’s global portfolio of 31 extraordinary hotel brands, today announced the highly anticipated opening of W Macau – Studio City, marking the debut of the iconic W Hotels brand in Macau, a spirited city of culture, cuisine and captivating experiences. Part of Melco Resorts & Entertainment’s integrated resort of Studio City on Cotai Strip, Macau’s premier leisure destination, the hotel connects guests to the vibrant culture through its intriguing design, elevated dining and beverage venues and unrivaled guest programming. “The opening of W Macau – Studio City ushers in a new, modern style of highly-experiential hospitality in a city famous for its traditional approach to opulence," said George Fleck, Vice President and Global Brand Leader, W Hotels. "We are excited to bring the W brand’s unique and unpretentious vibe to Macau and appeal to the next generation of luxury travelers through our contextual approach to design and commitment to the guest experience. It’s a new chapter for Macau and for W.” Locally-Inspired with Global Appeal Designed by world-renowned Zaha Hadid Architects, W Macau – Studio City takes inspiration from the glamor of 1950s Hollywood, with rich detailing, geometries and contemporary representations of Macau’s unique East-meets-West culture and history. Blue and white waves swirl across the Welcome Desks, wall structures feature picturesque seashores and mirrored ceilings to create wondrous perspectives of undersea scenes. The design of the hotel’s 557 distinct guestrooms and suites takes its cue from classical cinema as well as Macau's maritime history. Ranging in size from 37 to 258 sqm, all 430 rooms and 127 suites offer charming views of bustling Cotai or the city. All rooms feature a Bluetooth sound system, so guests can enjoy their favorite playlists as they craft drinks at their signature in-room W Mix Bar. On the 38th floor, the two-bedroom Extreme WOW Suite (W’s take on the Presidential) offers stunning 270-degree floor-to-ceiling windows, a circular bed, and a generous dining area complete with a kitchenette featuring Portuguese-style ceramic tiles. Celebrating Cross-Cultural Cuisine Four distinctive restaurants and bars at W Macau – Studio City invite guests to sample the finest of the city's fusion-forward cuisine. Day-to-night coffee and cocktail bar Living Room serves up niche coffees and creative cocktails alongside Chinese-Portuguese-inspired pastries and baked goods. A.P.D. (A Perfect Dose), the speakeasy extension of Living Room, is an exclusive and intimate space with a menu of beverages based on the theme of infusion and smoke. Hawker Hawker, the hotel's all-day dining restaurant, incorporates influences from a busy local marketplace, with live kitchens and a menu of international and local flavors, including CHA KEE 2.0 concept beverages inspired by Macau's café culture. On the 40th floor, specialty restaurant DIVA offers contemporary Cantonese fine dining paired with Te Jiu (tea-infused cocktails) in a breathtaking Art Deco setting. Adjacent to the restaurant is the hotel's destination bar Blind Tiger, which overlooks mesmerizing city views and features an apothecary-inspired bar counter, where guests can indulge in handcrafted dark spirit cocktails featuring specialty highballs and destination-inspired cocktails, as well as limited-edition Japanese and Scottish whiskeys. Pamper and Play Guests can socialize or simply kick back and relax at the hotel's 16m indoor pool area, WET, which features a Jacuzzi, a cool-down pool, relaxing swing beds and a communal steam and sauna room. Fitness enthusiasts can work up a sweat with the latest cardio equipment and weights at FIT. For some well-deserved post-workout or post-party pampering, AWAY® Spa features two express and five standard treatment rooms to restore and revive tired bodies and minds with a menu of signature treatments, including the energizing Detox Massage, which uses a blend of oils to invigorate the body, boost detoxification and stimulate the senses. Meet and Retreat Spanning 600 sqm across seven customizable rooms, the ACADEMY is W Macau – Studio City’s meeting and events space, equipped with an open kitchen and beverage station – a first in Macau. The largest room measures 152 sqm and is able to accommodate up to 130 guests for both work and social gatherings. The Academy is fully equipped with an extensive range of audio-visual facilities as well as the latest in meeting technology. W Macau – Studio City also features Greater China's very first W Sound Suite, the brand's signature recording studio experience. Located within the hotel's destination bar Blind Tiger, the W Sound Suite lets guests explore their musical side and lay down tracks with professional grade sound equipment, an example of the brand’s long-standing passion for music and support of the artistic community. "W Macau – Studio City celebrates the glamor of nostalgic cinema as well as Macau’s very unique cultural heritage," said Adrian Chan, General Manager, W Macau – Studio City. "We are looking forward to welcoming guests and hosting locals who seek to push boundaries and explore this amazing city through the unmistakable lens of W.” For more information or to make a reservation, please visit Get social with W Macau – Studio City on Facebook @W Macau - Studio City/ Instagram @wmacaustudiocity Born from the bold, 24/7 culture of New York City, W Hotels has redefined hospitality for over two decades, breaking the norms of traditional luxury wherever the iconic W sign lands. With more than 60 hotels around the globe, the detail-driven design, iconic Whatever/Whenever service and buzzing, signature Living Rooms create an experience that is often imitated but never matched. Dynamic and invigorating, the brand celebrates each travelers’ desire to uncover the destination through a lens that is distinctly W. For more information on W Hotels, visit or follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. W Hotels is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments and unparalleled benefits including complimentary nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit About Marriott Bonvoy® Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 31 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. From The Ritz-Carlton and St. Regis to W Hotels and more, Marriott Bonvoy has more luxury offerings than any other travel program. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy Boutiques®. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy, visit all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • 80th Venice Film Festival

    Cailee Spaeney stars in "Priscilla" here adorned by High Jewellery Bulgari: Priscilla’s Cailee Spaeny took home the Best Actress award and thanked her muse, Priscilla Presley in her speech. all images © Despite an industry-wide strike that’s made the promotion of films feel impossible, the Venice Film Festival has given a chance for some stars of independent features to shine a light on their upcoming projects — with a few of those artists taking home prizes from the fest. The 80th Venice International Film Festival awards gala on Saturday evening celebrated the films competing for various categories, including the Golden and Silver Lion, voted on by the jury, which includes directors Jane Campion and Martin McDonagh. Taking home the grand prize of the Golden Lion was The Favorite’s Yorgos Lanthimos for his follow-up film, Poor Things, starring Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe, and Ramy Youssef. In his acceptance speech, Lanthimos called Stone an “incredible creature” and praised her performance as Bella in the film. “This film is her both in front of and behind the camera,” he concluded. Priscilla’s Cailee Spaeny took home the Best Actress award and thanked her muse, Priscilla Presley in her speech. For Best Actor, winner Peter Sarsgaard for Memory spoke about the union strikes and how A.I. jeopardizes the industry. “It’s hard to prioritize it because it does seem like the stuff of science fiction,” he said in his speech. “We can all agree that an actor is a person and a writer is a person but it seems that we can’t. And that’s terrifying because this work we do is about connection.” Sarsgaard wasn’t the only winner to discuss the on-going Hollywood strikes, Pablo Larraín also brought it up in his speech for Best Screenplay for El Conde with Guillermo Calderón. He said, “I hope through collaboration that the studios will come to an understanding. We need dignity, respect, understanding, and compassion for writers all over the world.” Below is the complete list of winners. Main Competition Golden Lion Poor Things by Yorgos Lanthimos Sign up for Streamliner Vulture’s weekly newsletter of the best TV and movie recommendations. Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize Evil Does Not Exist by Ryusuke Hamaguchi Silver Lion Best Director Matteo Garrone for Io Capitano Special Jury Prize Green Border by Agnieszka Holland Best Screenplay Pablo Larraín and Guillermo Calderón for El Conde Best Actress Cailee Spaeny for Priscilla Best Actor Peter Sarsgaard for Memory Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best New Young Actor or Actress Seydou Sarr for Io Capitano Horizons Best Film Explanation For Everything by Gábor Reisz Best Director Mika Gustafson for Paradise Is Burning Special Jury Prize Una Sterminata Domenica by Alain Parroni Best Actress Margarita Rosa De Francisco for El Paraiso Best Actor Tergel Bold-Erdene for City of Wind Best Screenplay El Paraiso by Enrico Maria Artale Best Short Film A Short Trip by Erenik Beqiri Lion of the Future – Luigi De Laurentiis Award for a Debut Film Love Is a Gun by Lee Hong-Chi Audience Award Felicita by Micheala Ramazotti Venice Classics Best Documentary Thank You Very Much by Alex Braverman Best Restored Film Ohikkoshi (Moving) by Shinji Somae Venice Immersive Grand Jury Prize Songs For A Passerby by Celine Daemen Special Jury Prize Flow by Adriaan Lokman Immersive Achievement Prize Emperor by Marion Burger and Ilan Cohen Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Louis Vuitton unveils Fine Jewellery collection

    Haute Jewels Geneva Announce New 2024 Dates and Added Location Ribbon cutting ceremony at Haute Jewels Geneva 2023. Photo by Agency Point of Views CH Haute Jewels Geneva 2024 will take place from Monday 8th April – Monday 15th April In 2024, the event will expand to two locations in Geneva: The Fairmont Grand Hotel & The InterContinental Hotel The expansion will allow the addition of more global fine jewellery brands to the event, increasing the capacity by over 50%. All twenty-three luxury jewellery brands who participated in the 2023 event will be returning for the 2024 edition, and a full list of new participating brands will be announced in due course. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Haute Jewels Geneva expands over two venues in 2024

    Haute Jewels Geneva Announce New 2024 Dates and Added Location Ribbon cutting ceremony at Haute Jewels Geneva 2023. Photo by Agency Point of Views CH Haute Jewels Geneva 2024 will take place from Monday 8th April – Monday 15th April In 2024, the event will expand to two locations in Geneva: The Fairmont Grand Hotel & The InterContinental Hotel The expansion will allow the addition of more global fine jewellery brands to the event, increasing the capacity by over 50%. All twenty-three luxury jewellery brands who participated in the 2023 event will be returning for the 2024 edition, and a full list of new participating brands will be announced in due course. all images © Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

  • Giorgio Armani hosts CO2-neutral One Night Only Venezia party

    - GIORGIO ARMANI CELEBRATES CINEMA WITH A GIORGIO ARMANI PRIVÉ SHOW DURING VENICE FILM FESTIVAL. GIORGIO ARMANI WILL SHOWCASE SPRING-SUMMER COLLECTION DURING THE MILAN FASHION WEEK LATER THIS MONTH AT VIA BORGONUOVO, 21 IN MILAN. Sydney Sweeney (above), Emilia Schüle, Shu Qi, Caroline Hu, Georgia May Jagger wore Bulgari High Jewellery. GETTY IMAGES all images © On the occasion of the 80th edition of the Venice International Film Festival, Giorgio Armani brings One Night Only Venezia to the lagoon, an event to celebrate cinema and to pay tribute to the city that most symbolises it. The event held on Saturday 2 September at the Arsenale and entails an evening party preceded by Armani Haute Couture show that pays tribute to the Venetian rich costume tradition. Giorgio Armani returns to Venice, reaffirming his connection with the film festival, which began in 1990 with the world premiere of the famous documentary film Made in Milan directed by Martin Scorsese and the big party hosted by the designer to honour the director at Ca' Leone on Giudecca. The evening marks a new destination for the One Night Only series, which has so far visited some of the most important cities in the world: London in 2006, Tokyo in 2007, Beijing in 2012, Rome and New York in 2013, Paris in 2014, and Dubai in 2021. Giorgio Armani’s cinema celebration also includes the renewed partnership of Armani beauty as a Main Sponsor. For the sixth consecutive year, Armani beauty will provide the official make-up service to the festival’s guests. Following on from previous events in Dubai and St. Moritz, One Night Only Venice 2023 has been specifically designed to have minimum environmental impact, in compliance with ISO 20121. CO2 neutral and socially responsible party The Armani Group will offset all residual greenhouse gas emissions linked to the event by supporting environmental projects that aim to preserve the ecological equilibrium of the Venetian Lagoon and restore its ecosystem and biodiversity. In addition, the Group has decided to make a donation to support the non-profit organisation ‘We are here in Venice’, which conducts research aimed at protecting the lagoon and improving understanding of the societal value that this unique environment offers. Read our Summer Issue See Haute couture from Dior, Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, Zuhair Murad, Valentino and more Explore Moralmoda Art Culture Lifestyle Travel Business Interviews Events ​ Get in touch About us Contacts Subscribe

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